The Breton etymology of the Pointe des Poulains, Poul Awen, means “hole with tumultuous waters“. The origin of this name takes on its full meaning on stormy days! When the waves crash against this wall created by Mother Nature, clouds of foam form in the rifts and mountains of water cover the meter-high rocks. The atypical geography of Les Poulains will make the moment even more magical. The northern tip of the island offers a unique view of the Morbihan coastline. On your right, you can see the Quiberon peninsula and in front of you, the island of Groix is revealed behind the waves and the foam. The point is an islet separated from the rest of Belle-île by a small beach where the foam comes to rest.
The beach of the Poulains is completely covered by the waters at high tide. In order to safely pass over the point, please check the tide schedules.