A haven of peace
In the heart of an untamed wilderness
Founded around the 6th century by monks from beyond the Channel, Bangor is home to the wildest parts of Belle-ile, most exposed to southwestern winds and watched over by Grand Phare.
The rugged coastline is intermittently interrupted by gorgeous fine sand beaches like Herlin, Kérel or Donnant. Spectacular rock formations are legion here, with Claude Monet immortalising Port Goulphar and Port Coton’s famous “Aiguilles” (needle like rock formations).
The commune is home to nearly 900 souls, residing in thirty white and slate-blue villages nestled along as many valleys winding their way to the sea.
The town, under the protection of the Church of Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul, radiates the tranquillity and charm of an authentically Breton village.