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Local event, Workshops
in Le Palais
This innovative training offer is a journey of discovery of the catering trades. It will take place from November 15 to February 10, 2023, i.e. 420 hours in twelve weeks, including three in companies and a week of interruption for the end of year celebrations. “It should be remembered that a dozen Bellilois restaurants are associated with the project. They will be the tutors of future trainees and will welcome them during the three weeks planned in companies. Their involvement is the key to...
This innovative training offer is a journey of discovery of the catering trades. It will take place from November 15 to February 10, 2023, i.e. 420 hours in twelve weeks, including three in companies and a week of interruption for the end of year celebrations. “It should be remembered that a dozen Bellilois restaurants are associated with the project. They will be the tutors of future trainees and will welcome them during the three weeks planned in companies. Their involvement is the key to this project, like Pierre Rebour, of La Table de La Désirade, since it is his establishment, closed at this time of year, which will serve as a technical platform. The training will be supervised by the Afpa d'Auray catering team. This course is a discovery of the facets of these professions; the catering hygiene certificate is included and makes the beneficiaries immediately employable. They will also be able to discover vocations and continue towards a qualifying training present in the south of Morbihan. Ten places are offered to all job seekers. The training is free and trainees will be paid by Pôle Emploi or the Region.
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