Forum des transitions professionnelles
Local event
in Le Palais
MY JOB FOR TOMORROW: a sensory discovery of professions thanks to virtual reality! Friday October 20 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the forum and for the first time in Belle-Île, Pôle emploi offers the public an immersion with 360 virtual reality headsets: a modern and fun way to project yourself into the daily reality of the professions . As part of its FERT Île-en-Mer program: Training, Employment, Retraining, Professional Transition in Belle-Île-en-Mer, the Community of Communes offers a forum...
MY JOB FOR TOMORROW: a sensory discovery of professions thanks to virtual reality! Friday October 20 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the forum and for the first time in Belle-Île, Pôle emploi offers the public an immersion with 360 virtual reality headsets: a modern and fun way to project yourself into the daily reality of the professions . As part of its FERT Île-en-Mer program: Training, Employment, Retraining, Professional Transition in Belle-Île-en-Mer, the Community of Communes offers a forum open to all those who wish to make a new start in their professional life. - Orient yourself. - Discover professions. - Form. - Create your activity. - Reconvert. For more information, contact SISE: 02 97 31 59 60 or sise1@ccbi.fr
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