Noel solidaire
in Le Palais
The Biocoop is organizing the solidarity Christmas for the benefit of the Restos du Cœur de Belle-Ile. What's that?? Come and drop off one (or more) gift including - 1 good thing (chocolate, candy, cake, etc.) - 1 warm and new thing (scarf, socks, etc.) - 1 hobby (book, arrow words, small puzzle) - 1 hygiene product (soap, shower gel, etc.) - and most importantly, 1 kind word (a card, a letter, etc.) Don't forget to mention on the gift whether it is intended for a child, a woman or a man....
The Biocoop is organizing the solidarity Christmas for the benefit of the Restos du Cœur de Belle-Ile. What's that?? Come and drop off one (or more) gift including - 1 good thing (chocolate, candy, cake, etc.) - 1 warm and new thing (scarf, socks, etc.) - 1 hobby (book, arrow words, small puzzle) - 1 hygiene product (soap, shower gel, etc.) - and most importantly, 1 kind word (a card, a letter, etc.) Don't forget to mention on the gift whether it is intended for a child, a woman or a man. Drop off your solidarity gifts at the Biocoop Belle Isle en Mer from November 14 to December 17, 2024. And make these end-of-year celebrations a time of sharing and mutual aid.
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