Signature avec Pierre Josse
Local event, Literature
in Le Palais
Meeting with the traveler Pierre Josse who has traveled the world (more than 90 countries!) for 40 years for the Guide du Routard of which he was then the editor-in-chief & Signing of his latest book "Voyages C'était mieux avant?", published this year by Éditions de L'Harmattan! Also author of: *Chroniques vagabondes (Hachette tourisme, 2017) *Art Mail, a world in postcards (Hachette tourisme, 2009) *Les sites coups de coeur (Editions du Chêne, 2006) *Deux vagabonds en Bretagne (Terre de...
Meeting with the traveler Pierre Josse who has traveled the world (more than 90 countries!) for 40 years for the Guide du Routard of which he was then the editor-in-chief & Signing of his latest book "Voyages C'était mieux avant?", published this year by Éditions de L'Harmattan! Also author of: *Chroniques vagabondes (Hachette tourisme, 2017) *Art Mail, a world in postcards (Hachette tourisme, 2009) *Les sites coups de coeur (Editions du Chêne, 2006) *Deux vagabonds en Bretagne (Terre de Brûme, 2000) *Deux vagabonds en Irlande (Terre de Brûme, 1998) Among all his many travels, we are happy to welcome him here to Belle Île en Mer where he likes to come and return... Welcome to all!
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