Slackline Le Palais
in Le Palais
The Sanglés de l'Ouest association is an association of slackline practitioners. We regularly organize events to democratize the practice of this outdoor sport. This year, we are offering an event around the slackline at the Bois du Génie in the Palais commune. To this event, we add our ecological convictions and we wish to show that our practice can be carried out with as little impact as possible. In this sense, we will make the journey from Quiberon by sailing boat. This navigation is...
The Sanglés de l'Ouest association is an association of slackline practitioners. We regularly organize events to democratize the practice of this outdoor sport. This year, we are offering an event around the slackline at the Bois du Génie in the Palais commune. To this event, we add our ecological convictions and we wish to show that our practice can be carried out with as little impact as possible. In this sense, we will make the journey from Quiberon by sailing boat. This navigation is carried out in partnership with the Meaban association.
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