Spectacle : Vacarme en catimini
For children, Show, Circus
in Le Palais
From 3 years old. Vacarme en Catimini is an explosion, almost cinematic, mastered by circus gestures and intimate emotions creating a unique and close relationship between the track and the spectator. This show is intended to be the meeting of 3 circus artists from 3 different worlds (Trapeze, Balance and Aerial Straps, and Juggling) who in a poetic surge interact together around natural elements. All accompanied by two musicians (Keyboard and Saxophone + Drums and Vocals) to give depth to...
From 3 years old. Vacarme en Catimini is an explosion, almost cinematic, mastered by circus gestures and intimate emotions creating a unique and close relationship between the track and the spectator. This show is intended to be the meeting of 3 circus artists from 3 different worlds (Trapeze, Balance and Aerial Straps, and Juggling) who in a poetic surge interact together around natural elements. All accompanied by two musicians (Keyboard and Saxophone + Drums and Vocals) to give depth to their world that they tell us about. The Circocéan Company, based in Belle-Ile, founded by former Cirque du Soleil artists (Jef Odet and Marion Verd), offers us a creative outing of its new show. The first performance will take place exclusively in Belle-Ile.
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Child rate5 €