Stage : "Venez fabriquer votre propre port de jardin en pleine nature" avec Isabelle Sérot
in Bangor
With your hands in clay, you will make your own garden pot in the middle of nature, and why not with its bowl. We will use mixed clays to give it life. It can also be embellished with different shapes molded on plants or minerals... These castings can also be enriched with earths of other colors. The important thing is the experience of the moment! This course is open to everyone, even novices. I reserve the right to cancel the course the day before 12 p.m. on Friday July 12 due to weather...
With your hands in clay, you will make your own garden pot in the middle of nature, and why not with its bowl. We will use mixed clays to give it life. It can also be embellished with different shapes molded on plants or minerals... These castings can also be enriched with earths of other colors. The important thing is the experience of the moment! This course is open to everyone, even novices. I reserve the right to cancel the course the day before 12 p.m. on Friday July 12 due to weather conditions. Information: Isabelle Sérot: 06 77 49 38 57 - isabelle.serot@free.fr - isabelle-serot-ceramiques.com
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